Saturday, 13 August 2011

Jurrac Decklist

I've loved Jurracs for a very long time, this decklist is like, my 4th revision of my 4th build.

Monsters (17)
x1 Effect Veiler
x2 Jurrac Aeolo
x2 Jurrac Dino
x1 Jurrac Gallim
x3 Jurrac Guaiba
x3 Jurrac Velo
x2 Jurrac Herra
x1 Jurrac Monoloph
x2 Jurrac Stauriko

Spells (20)
x1 Book of Moon
x3 Burden of the Mighty
x1 Creature Swap
x1 Dark Hole
x2 Enemy Controller
x3 Forbidden Lance
x3 Fossil Dig
x1 Monster Reborn
x2 MST
x3 Shrink

Traps (3)
x3 Royal Decree

x2 Jurrac Giganoto
x1 Jurrac Velphito
x1 Jurrac Meteor
x2 Utopia
x1 Grenosaurus
x8 Generic Shit


  1. I see you've removed Grand Mole from the build. There a reason for that?

  2. Yeah, I side it. I don't really have room for it.

  3. Ah, I see... Care to post your Sidearm then?
