Saturday, 13 August 2011

Jurrac Decklist

I've loved Jurracs for a very long time, this decklist is like, my 4th revision of my 4th build.

Monsters (17)
x1 Effect Veiler
x2 Jurrac Aeolo
x2 Jurrac Dino
x1 Jurrac Gallim
x3 Jurrac Guaiba
x3 Jurrac Velo
x2 Jurrac Herra
x1 Jurrac Monoloph
x2 Jurrac Stauriko

Spells (20)
x1 Book of Moon
x3 Burden of the Mighty
x1 Creature Swap
x1 Dark Hole
x2 Enemy Controller
x3 Forbidden Lance
x3 Fossil Dig
x1 Monster Reborn
x2 MST
x3 Shrink

Traps (3)
x3 Royal Decree

x2 Jurrac Giganoto
x1 Jurrac Velphito
x1 Jurrac Meteor
x2 Utopia
x1 Grenosaurus
x8 Generic Shit

S - September Banlist 2011 Predictions

After some discussion and looks at the current meta and results of Gencon (primarily gadgets and tengu plants topping) M and I have come up with this banlist prediction. Some of it is very different from what others think, and we may be wrong, but konami also has done some strange things in the past, so I wouldn't be surprised to see some of these changes.

Gateway of the Six (From 1)

This card makes Sams.The ability to pull counters off any place on your side of the field, including Six Samurai United and Shien's Dojo, and its ability to replenish those counters with the special summoning capabilities of such Sams as Kizan or Granmaster, this card is deadly. It's easy to pull four monsters using United and Gateway, and then sync for more counters, and pitch off united to draw, and special more... It's a loop, and it needs to go.

Sangan (From 1)

I've seen a lot of mixed views about this one. Some think it's going to go, others think it's going to  stay. I say it's going to go because combined with Tour Guide From the Underworld, this card is crazy plusses. Summon Tour Guide, search Sangan, make a rank 3 Xyz, remove Sangan. ???. Profit. The simple fact is that we don't need Sangan any more. Almost every archetype has cards to search out what you need; Shien's Smoke Signal, Gladiator Proving Ground, even dinosaurs have Fossil Dig. Sangan is just an unnecessary, broken extra.

Giant Trunade (From 1)

I think people are really split on this one. Some people think it'll go, others think it'll stay. Before I get into it, I will mention that I do not like this card at all, which makes my opinion biased, but I still think it'll go. Giant Trunade is the one card that most fuels OTKs. People fear backrow, and for good reason. The opponent's backrow contains the only thing other than perhaps effect veiler or D.D. Crow that can stop you from comboing off and OTKing, if there was only a way for you to get rid of it... Oh wait, you drew Giant Trunade. Good game.

Trunade was fine before, but with the game at its current speed, it's just too broken. It's OTK fodder, and OTKs are bad for the game. Giant Trunade prior to an OTK makes the game one-sided. Trunade is played, you might as well go grab a coffee and let the opponent play out their combo, since you really have nothing to stop them with, at this point.

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (From 1)

This one is pretty obvious. With Librarian and Formula, as well as all the other million-and-one draw cards out there this format, it's really easy to keep your hand big enough to bump all your opponent's shit, and combo off and kill, just like Giant Trunade. Hand presence is an important thing this format, and with the easy maintenance of it, brio is deadly. There are two other reasons, however, why this is going to go;
A) Konami is trying to kill of synchros, and this is a contender for most broken, and
B) They gave us Orient Dragon, and obvious, relatively shitty replacement

Future Fusion (From 1)

If you've seen all the FTKs possible with this one card, you'd understand where I'm going with this. We're getting E-Hero fusions that let you pitch off almost any card, making it a second Foolish Burial with a big beater at the end. Does it really need any more explination?

Pot of Avarice (From 3)

All of the sudden, this card is one of the most important parts of almost every major deck. The "cost" is really, really easy to achieve, it recycles your monsters, and gives you a +1. What more could you ask for? This fuels combos, and brings people back from the brink of death. This card is just too good to be at 3 or 2, but 1 is just right.

Six Samurai United (From 3)

Seriously? Do I have to explain this one? Very easy +1. I remember watching someone get 2 of these off and draw the third off the pitch. Really. See Gateway.

Legendary Six Samurai Kageki (From 3)

What better way to kill of Shi En than kill off the easiest way to spam it? This is an instant two counters on United and four on Gatway, plus a Shi En or Beast. Most of the Sams stuff doesn't need a lot of explination.

Doppelwarrior (From 3)

This is one of M's predictions, I'll let him describe it in the comments.

T.G. Hyper Librarian (From 3)

This card isn't quite banworthy, but is a massive, constant plus. Something makes me think konami is afraid of quasar, and this card lets you get it out in the right deck while maintaining your hand. Nasty stuff. Everyone's been complaining about this since it came out, and I don't blame them. The way plants can grow their hand to such massive sizes with this thing alone is ridiculous. May get banned, dunno.

Dark Magician of Chaos (From 0)

Honestly, I'm not very sure about this. The reprinted it, so perhaps.

Lonefire Blossom (From 2)

This card is one of the most versatile cards around. The ability to grab any plant from your deck at no cost is... well, stupid. At two it's bad enough, one would make it much less consistent. Let's hope we see this.

Reborn Tengu (From 3)

With its ability to be used with Xyz monsters, synchros, monarchs, etc., this card is ridiculous. This card changed the meta by itself. That's how good it is. It's just a constant plus, and a pain in the ass to get rid of. Please, just kill it.

Book of Moon (From 1)

I think that we really need this card back at two. One is too inconsistent, and this is one of the few things we have to stop opponents from comboing off. The format needs to be slowed back down from the one-sided OTK fest that it has become and return to what it was before the Tengu-Plants craze, and this is one of the solutions.

Formula Synchron (From 3)

I think that this needs to go to 2 because of frog's ability to pull one of these every turn. It's not good enough to be put to 1, since without librarian out you're just coming out neutral, but it definitely needs to be brought down from three.

Necro Gardna (From 1)

Another card that helps slow stuff down! This isn't as big any more because of how many less lightsworn players there are, but this would help slow down the format a little, I think. It doesn't NEED to be at 1 anymore, since the format has moved on.

Ultimate Offering (From 3)

Seriously, have you seen Offering Gadgets? Enough said.

Mystical Space Typhoon (From 2)

This at three and Trunade banned would make the game a lot better. Instead of bumping your opponent's backrow and OTKing, you'd have to blind-MST. MST is a great card that deserves to be at three, with all the backrow this format.

What should not be touched (not a prediction, but personal belief)
Solemn Warning (At 2)

This card is one of the few cards we have to deal with the swarms of combos this format. If it went to one, like so many people believe it will, we would have fewer ways to stop the opponent, and the format would speed up even more. I'd be less afraid of overextending if warning was at 1.

Pot of Duality (At 3)

This card makes inconsistent and slow decks faster and more consistent. This card is good for the game, your opponent sees what you get, balancing it out, and Konami is fucking reprinting it. They're a company. They want money. They WILL NOT touch Duality when we'll find out about it before they release the first wave of tins. What they have going for them now is that Duality is at three, meaning that people will buy at least three tins. If they semi-limit or limit it, they'll be reducing their profits by 1/3 or 2/3, even. Not gonna happen.

Please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions, and not all of them are ground in fact. Amirite?

PS - I missed some that I'll come back and add later.